Chinese shoppers choose to buy British online - Telegraph
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Tuesday 25 November 2014

Chinese shoppers choose to buy British online

Britain is hailed as the third most popular destination in the world for international shoppers as China becomes the biggest consumer of UK goods online

A record number of Chinese nationals came to Britain for their holidays last year.
Chinese shoppers are buying clothes, cosmetics, even electronics from international businesses, with the majority of consumer spending going to the UK Photo: Alamy

Chinese shoppers love to buy British when shopping online, new research from PayPal revealed today.

Some 25pc of cross-border consumers buying from the UK are from China, driven mainly by demand for British clothing, footwear and accessories.

The price of branded luxury goods in the UK can be up to 30pc cheaper than in China. Last year, high end retailer Burberry reported that sales to China were up 20pc.

According to the PayPal/Ipsos survey of 17,500 adults across 22 markets, the UK is the third most popular destination for online shoppers globally.

This is down from second place in last year’s research, however.

The most popular territory for online shoppers is the US, followed by China.

Some 45pc of Chinese consumers have bought clothing, footwear or accessories from an international shop in the last 12 months.

38pc have bought cosmetics or beauty products, and 31pc have purchased consumer electronics, including mobile phones, computers and tablets from international sellers.

According to PayPal, more UK firms should take advantage of China’s buying power. On Singles’ Day, the world's biggest online retail sales day, which took place earlier this month in China, nearly £6bn was spent by Chinese shoppers on the Alibaba platform alone.

“Given the ongoing woes in the Eurozone, the strength of Chinese and US online demand for British goods will come as welcome news to British exporting businesses,” said Cameron McLean, managing director of PayPal UK. “This presents a huge opportunity for British businesses - particularly in retail, consumer electronics and cosmetics – if they access the market.”

The new research found that the number of international consumers that shop online beyond their borders varies widely.

17pc of global online shoppers buy from the UK compared to 16pc of global shoppers buying from Germany.

However, global online shoppers buy the most from US e-commerce sites: 26pc buy from this market.

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