First outing for British Family Foundation

1349598We were very pleased to announce that on Saturday 3rd May we will be at the Munchies on the Meadow event in Cobham, Kent. We have been kindly offered a stand at this fantastic event to begin to generate a little bit of interest in the British Family Foundation. To be honest we are not quite ready for a full public launch yet but it will be nice to be given an opportunity to talk to the public about the charity and gauge the general reaction to our plans. (if you need to catch up on details of our charity please click here)

Having this event as a bit of a deadline means that we are really pulling our fingers out to get the website up and running. We have also had some flyers printed and have had some signage made up. It really feels like it is coming together.

Another fact, that makes us cringe a little, is that we have been asked to open the event again. In the last 18 months we have done quite a bit of this type of thing. I have to admit that we both hate it… basically because nobody actually knows who we are. I am not entirely sure why we always agree. I think we just don’t want to disappoint people when they ask us. In any event, if you get there early, you will hear us mumble embarrassingly through our little bit.

That all being said, we went to Munchies on the Meadow last year too and it was a really great event. If you are at a loose end next week it really is worth a visit. Oh, and do be sure to come and say hi to James and I.

Details about Munchies on the Meadow here.

– Emily


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