As our stunning and properly British Rainbow Trugs trug arrived this morning I thought that it might be a good excuse to start plugging the salad gap. As you have heard James is quite partial to salad in his sandwiches and now we are all on our way back to work there will be plenty of them to be made.
With all this in mind I decided that the best first use for the trug was to house some seeds that I got from a fantastic
magazine called Grow It!. Lucan and I put about 15 litres of compost into the trug and then sprinkled in a selection of winter salad leaves to get us started. Hopefully it will be quite happy sitting on the window sill of the utility room and once we are getting back towards Spring it can be emptied out and used for something else.
All scattered and ready to grow!
An alternative to this Rainbow trug is the wooden, British grown and made, Sussex Trug, not only would you be buying British, helping small british traders you would be helping British woodland coppice too! see
Whilst a well made Sussex Trug can be a lovely item, the beauty of Rainbow Trugs is the immense versatility – Pouring, Growing, Mixing, Storing, Washing, Toy Tidy, Playing, Feeding, Carrying, Soaking Seedlings, Ice buckets. They are a British Made Brand made by British Workers from a food grade material in a vast range of colours and 6 sizes. Used in homes, gardens and industry up & down the country, they brighten the world and do a job at the same time. Try growing veg in a Rainbow Trug like the British Family, potatoes & runner beans on the patio or balcony are a great idea. What Will You Use Yours For?