A bit of girly Britishness

There are not many things in my life that I can say I am particularly fussy over but I do like nice nails. Well, what girl doesn’t?

When we started our project to buy only British I had a good supply of nail varnishes, files and nail varnish remover and, up until now, this has done me pretty well. Then about 2 weeks ago, I went to paint my nails for a wedding we were going to and to my horror what came out on the little brush was more like a glue consistency than a liquid.

I had looked through our local Boots earlier on in the year and had found nothing. Therefore you can imagine my surprise and excitement when at a concession stand, filled with every colour nail varnish you could ask for, I turned over the bottle and saw Made in England!

Needless to say I have now acquired 6 new bottles to hopefully get me through the last few months of our project. The Models Own range is huge, the staff were super and best of all it’s British!

As for varnish remover, I have also found the Enliven range of products have a great remover which is 250ml for less than £1.  You cannot say fairer than that!


  1. Buy Enliven products Made in Stratford-upon-Avon at http://www.brandrefill.co.uk – the luxury hand wash is awesome !

  2. Surely Barry M are and always have been British? Or do they not make their products in the UK any more?

  3. I couldn’t find on the products where they were made sadly.

  4. Gordon Smith says

    I have contacted several companies about where products are made because it isn’t shewn including Fox’s biscuits whose products are made in Britain. Camp coffee used to say Made in Scotland but now say EU.

  5. Hannah says

    http://www.ohbeauty.co.uk/eye-candy-nail-polish Eye Candy is a new nail polish I’ve found recently that says it is made in England.

    I tried the What A Steal Graphite colour and was impressed (and that is saying something given I am a nail polish fiend and number my bottles in the hundreds!).

    http://a-england.co.uk/ A England polishes are also made in the UK and are seriously stunning.

    Then, you have the indie polish makers – just have a search on Etsy for UK makers/sellers, although I recommend doing a search for the makers to see if their polish is up to scratch (some do not test rigorously and polishes can settle/separate badly, or stain nails if the wrong pigment is used).

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