Celebrating 60 years of love…

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Not quite Willy Wonka but still a dream ticket for us!

Can there be any greater declaration of playground love than ‘Be Mine’ or ‘Forever Yours’? For 60 years Love Hearts, made in Derbyshire by Swizzels Matlow, have been bringing young hearts together… and we feel that this needs to be celebrated.

Today, this truly British delicacy is exported across the globe while also being translated into other languages including French and German. Over the years they have also kept up with changing trends and technology, ‘Fax Me’ or ‘Page Me’ anyone?

If you want to tell your loved one, in 3 words or less, how you feel now is your chance. The good people of Swizzels Matlow are giving you an opportunity to enter their competition to design your own Love Heart. 

You can design your own Love Heart here

Anything made by Swizzels Matlow is a firm favourite in our house and not just Lucan. James is particularly fond of Parma Violets.

– Emily


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