Clothes for the Fayre – Emily

Those following us on Twitter will understand the hassle we had finding clothes for the British Family Fayre. We have said this over and over but the issue is not finding British made clothes per se, it is finding clothes within our budget. This is especially tight at the moment as James has not yet found a job. I even went as far as attempting to make my own dress (which James thought looked great, but I disagreed).

BTE9g4hCQAE0tMlIn the end I opted for a floral print dress from Closet Clothing. I was really worried about the length of it, so after some serious brain wracking I added a white petticoat skirt  to add more length and another layer making the overall look more full. With the pressures being in front of nearly 4000 people, it being my birthday and national TV and press being on site the outfit, for me, had to be right.

The dress it’s self  was £52.00 which I was really pleased with. The only downside was that I had to do some pretty careful measuring as there was nowhere to go to try anything on . The look was finished with a pair of Navy Napa British Flat Shoe Company Shoes and a pair of Yull Brompton Suede shoes. Yes – two pairs of shoes in one day… what can I say it was my birthday!

James had bought me a Zatchel Pastel Green Barrel Bag as one of my birthday presents which I also sported on the day. I was rather worried that with a change in dress colour it wouldn’t go but I have to admit that the whole ensemble looked really pretty good on the day… even James said so 😉




  1. Fabric in Britain is quite expensive, especially cotton, therefore it bumps the price up. The dress you have chooses look good, shame it was not longer.
    You can check out our British made items at

  2. …thank you Emily 🙂

  3. Gorgeous – you looked absolutely fabulous!!

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