What did you get for Xmas & was it British made?

uk_union_jack_british_flag_wrapping_paperThe dust has settled on Christmas and after the frenzy of tinsel and wrapping paper it is time to review the goodies that Father Christmas bought down the chimney for you. We assume that most of the people that read our blog like to buy British where possible, but what about your friends and family? Our latest poll tries to look at how many Christmas gifts you were given that were made in the UK.

We know you guys love a poll…so here it is:

How many of the gifts you were bought this Christmas were made in the UK?

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  1. Recommended on this site, never imagining that computers and the like are still made in the uk.
    Zoostorm, tablet.
    Build quality and performance fantastic and just as important, CHEAPER than most alternatives for the same spec.

  2. Not sure if vouchers count.But I got some for SWAG my favourite independent British family run jewellers.Plus some exquisite local handmade chocolates from my friend’s company Choc-Allet (choc-allet@outlook.com). x

  3. Funnily enough I don’t live in Britain, so it was hard to shop totally british. I bought pork, sausages, lamb and apple juice from my sons school farm ( Brymore school in Somerset ) and cider brandy from waitrose. But my turkey was a free range Norwegian one. Many of my gifts were pure Norwegian and I was interested to see several 100% British gifts amongst the pile under our tree bought by Norwegian relatives for other Norwegians…the thermopen being one! I have teenagers, so apple products were top of their lists and that did not include the cider!

  4. Felicity says

    On your recommendation bought the zombie board game… To be played tomorrow!

  5. let us know how you get on!

  6. We have a £5 limit on our Secret Santa every year (there’s 30 in our extended family!) and the last two years it’s had to be British made. There are so many things – mugs, socks, locally made chocs, paper products and decorations, it can be a bit of a challenge but totally worth it!

  7. Joanne Reynolds says

    I got a minimum – maximum thermometer and a wet and dry thermometer that were both made in Britain. Plus my mother knitted me a tea cosy from British wool. Also I got some books that were printed in Dorset UK. And a woodland trust calendar printed on 50% recycled fibre. All lovely pressies.

  8. Joanne Reynolds says

    Sorry I also got lots of goodies from LUSH. I have been given a Voucher for the total price for a British safari in the Aspinall Foundation Port Lympne. I can’t wait 🙂

  9. I have been buying my friends and family British only presents for years and they are now reciprocating which is fantastic. These are excellent for example:- http://www.sealskinz.com/UK/gloves/kj751-ultra-grip-gloves-black.html (I know they used the dreaded ‘designed by’ but don’t panic most of their stuff is made in their own factory and these certainly were).

  10. We bought mostly (or all) British this year. Beast maker 1000 – wooden fingerboard for improving climbing strength, made in Sheffield (www.beastmaker.co.uk). DMM iceaxe, made in Wales (http://dmmclimbing.com/). Walking socks (www.wasdalesocks.co.uk/). Lovely warm buffalo mits (www.buffalosystems.co.uk)

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