O’for a good night’s sleep

stephensLucan is currently going through a phase of waking up really early in the morning, anywhere between 3-5 am. When he wakes at this time he is up and ready to go where as we, his suffering parents, feel little more than  death warmed up. This has been going on for about 6 weeks now and we have only managed it by taking it in turns to get up with him. Something has to change!

The other day I found the Stephen’s branded reward chart in Lorimers, a local stationers. James has had some contact with West Design, the company that owns the Stephen’s brand in the past so I knew that it was British made. My plan was to reward Lucan with a star (and an occasional choccy treat) for every morning that he stays in bed until 6am. The first few nights were not in the least bit successful but after a little coercion and a night light he managed to wake up at 5:30am and then stayed with me in his room until 6. This warranted a sticker and he was completely thrilled! This seemed to be the catalyst for change and with the odd wobbly night he has since started waking  at about 5:45am which may sound ungodly to most but is a real treat for us!

The reward chart was completely customisable which meant that whether it was behaviour, a new skill or a few things at once we could use the same system. A simple concept but great none the less, lets hope it brings a bit more peace and shut eye to the Bradshaw household!

– Emily


  1. check out The Wool Room http://www.thewoolroom.com/ based in Harrogate, bedding from (British) wool proves to give 25% deeper sleep. We switched and certainly noticed the difference.

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