The Final Countdown


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In the immortal words of Swedish one-hit-wonders Europe, it’s The Final Countdown. To the British Family Fayre that is!

As a family we are currently racked by a numbing mix of nervousness and anticipation that we are just 1 week away from this momentous event. Months of hard work culminating in one wonderful day in celebration of British manufacturers, British farmers and Britain itself. We truly believe that we have a great show lined up.

We have 11 separate attractions entertaining the public throughout the day plus more than 60 British businesses from across the country represented. Not to mention the 23 interactive workshops in which manufacturers are demonstrating their products in fun and innovative ways.

We are also pleased to announce that we have nearly 30 lots (and rising) for our Prince’s trust charity auction, including some surprise lots that will be announced on the day. Make sure you stick around until 3pm for this!

And that is not all… you really must get yourselves down to Westerham, Kent on 31st August to get the complete picture.

Please help us promote the Fayre

With just one week to go we ask you, our fellow British enthusiasts, to do what you can to help us promote this unique event:

  • Use your Facebook to promote and invite your friends and family along. You can do this by following this link and clicking ‘invite’:
  • If you have a newsletter or mailing list please include details and an a link to the fayre site:
  • Make sure you are following @britishfamily on twitter and get tweeting… we will likely re-tweet you!
  • There are downloadable marketing resources here: including stuff you can print out, add to your website or Facebook pages and more.
  • Last of all, if you are coming, bring everyone you know with you. Knock on your neighbours doors, tell your work colleagues and fill your car with people on the day

We cannot wait to see you all next Saturday!

– James, Emily & Lucan



  1. Your not the only ones who are nervous. Nerves are fine though and as they say in show business ‘it will be alright on the night’ or day as it is in this instance. It will all be ok.

  2. I am really looking forward to this. I am telling everyone about the event and I will post on my facebook site as well. Hope to meet you both on the day. Fingers crossed for good weather on the day

  3. We went through Westerham last Saturday in the howling gale, and I prayed that the weather is better next week. I will be there!

  4. Hi Jilly – That is very kind! Fingers crossed that we see sun.

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