The New Year seems to have sparked an unconscious desire for me to start taking a little more care of my appearance. Friday lunchtime, I skipped out of work for an hour to visit Ted’s Grooming Room on Theobalds Road in London. I decided to treat myself and had, not only a haircut, but a shave, my eye-brows threaded, manicure and massage. Anyone that knows me will contest to the fact that this is a little more metro-sexuality than I would normally indulge in. However, I will admit to thoroughly enjoying it and having spent the last two days not being able to pass a mirror without giving myself a cheeky little wink. Emily was very jealous when I told her. I suspect she thinks I am after an upgrade.
Handmade home for my British made Kent comb
Today, in order to maintain my new ‘do’, I bought my first comb in about 20 years. Kent Brushes still manufacture brushes and combs in the UK and unlike most of the things we have recently wanted to buy, I was able to find one locally. Looking through the literature that accompanied my new purchase, I was please to note that they also make Toothbrushes. There is no way that were are going to be able to source British replacement heads for mine and Emily’s electric Oral-B toothbrushes. Our toothbrush order to Kent Brushes will be in soon.
I have recently been toying with trying my hand at leather-working and have recently bought a load of second-hand tools (made in Britain) and some English leather. Today, I made my first piece. A little house for my new Kent comb! I think I have done a pretty good job and even added a monogram (classy).
English Salad can be found even in winter!
While visiting Westerham (to get my comb) we went to our local grocers, and I was personally very pleased to see English salad leaves!!! No more mock-lettuce (cabbage) in my sandwiches from now on.
We also found out, with some surprise, that Costa coffee is in fact a British company. So, to celebrate we went for a coffee. We were informed on Twitter that Costa, for some reason, import their milk. I am not sure if this is true but it sure would seem like a strange thing to do. We will ask them when we next stop by. If they do import milk we will try to get to the bottom of why. You never know we might just start a mini British revolution!
Did you ever find out if Costa do indeed import their milk?
Yep… false… apparently.