Good news or bad news?

bulbIt has been a day up highs and lows for us today. So, as the old saying goes – do you want the good news or the bad news?

Bad news first: We have heard from Westerham Parish council, and while supportive of our plans to hold a fayre in the town, they have said no. Basically, the large field that would have held the main bulk of the fayre is due for redevelopment over the summer and there are general concerns about using the village green because of traffic issues. While these reasons are both valid they are no less disappointing. There remains another option within Westerham but there is the likelihood that there will be some charge from the land owners. This also concerns us because, while the fayre does not have to make a profit, it must not also leave us out of pocket personally. So, we are now looking for other options. We have a few ideas and are still confident that this event is going to happen regardless. However, if anyone has any other bright ideas, or you happen to own a large chunk of land in Kent please do get in touch.

Now the good news: We have found light bulbs!!!

Basically, a fantastic Twitter follower of ours put us in touch with a lighting company that specialise in vintage lighting. While they stated on their site that the bulbs we required were “made in the UK” I was a little sceptical so I called them to verify the facts. The lady that I spoke to confirmed they were made in the UK but when I began asking more questions she became a little less confident of the fact. She said that she would call her supplier and call me back. I got a call about 20 minute later and she confirmed again that these bulbs were made in  the UK. The only issue is that they are new/old stock.  This basically means that they were made in the UK about 10 years ago, the factory now a distant memory. She also confirmed that they only had 20 of these UK made bulbs left… so I bought 15 of them. So, good news in that we now have bulbs for our living room and dining room but sad news in that this small handful of bulbs represent almost all of what is left of the UK lamp industry.

– James




  1. I’ve not been to Squerryes, but might they have a suitable site for the fayre? Surely as farmers and English wine growers, they’d be supportive?

  2. Hi, I know Westerham quite well. Was brought up in Biggin Hill. I have a vague memory of the big grasshopper holding the odd market. The car park is certainly big enough…might be worth approaching owners to see if borrowing the car park for the market is a viable option. Just an idea, happy to make the call as well if you think suitable.

    • We are thinking over 200 businesses and over 5000 visitors. I am not sure the grasshopper would appreciate that in their carpark. 😉

  3. Lol, probably not.

  4. Steven priscott says

    You need a sponsor…….

  5. Steven priscott says

    And a proper venue… fact you probably need an expert company or person to run it for you

  6. Phil, East Yorkshire says

    Not too sure that the Historic Houses Assoc. actually own anything, I think they are an umbrella organisation for privately owned houses of similar stature to NT property. It may be worth checking further.
    Great what you are doing, would like to say that I lived in Kent late sixties, early seventies and the French farmers blocked British lamb at the ports, I would only have been early teens but that started me on my own Buy British stance at that early age and haven’t eaten a French apple since…….

  7. Charlotte Henderson says

    Master Park in Oxted is used for outdoor events such as this. Just a suggestion.

  8. lawton clark says

    What about Penshurst place or chiddingstone castle, these places should support britsh business and to help britain back on its feet they should sponser your efforts, my wife had a shop in westerham on the green and we never had much help from the parish council nor sevenoaks council. I support your efforts in every way.

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