The Truly British diet

As I have a rather big birthday this year where I will be entering my 3rd decade I thought that it might be a good time to start trying to banish a bit of the baby blubber.  I’m also hoping that it will mean that I can have something suitably stunning to wear to whatever birthday celebrations get organised. Now I have been on all sorts of diets in my time but one that members of my family have had great success with recently is the 5:2 diet, where you eat normally on 5 days a week and then slim your calorie intake down to 500 calories for 2 non-consecutive days a week.

download (3)I have nominated my ‘fasting’ days as Tuesday’s and Thursday’s as they are my most busy at school and I thought that would help me to not think about being hungry. Well, today being Tuesday was my first of these days and with trying to eat only 500 calories of British food I will admit that right now I am pretty ravenous. The diet is rather restrictive when there is not a wide selection of British vegetables available at the moment. That said I think as the year goes on and the garden starts to get going there should be plenty of all British diet friendly foods readily available.

On my first day I have however managed to get to dinner time with 202 calories to spare so a British boiled egg and a Ryvita are on the menu. Tomorrow will be back to normal eating which I am really looking forward to. However, I must admit that so far it has not been anywhere near as hard as I thought and the advice like chewing your food properly and drinking plenty of water have meant that I’ve not really noticed being hungry, until now when its time to eat again 🙂

I will let you know how I get on 🙂



  1. We did this, but as a Mon, Wed, Fri fast days, between the River Cottage Veg everyday book and Riverford it really changed our diet. We both lost weight, felt good and didn’t feel hungry. Hope you find it successful and enjoyable too 🙂 Enjoy hearing of your news

  2. Good luck!
    I, like you have tried many, but did a detox diet in Nov ’12. (Jason vale- juice master) Its a detox where you use a lot of apples/ fruit/ veg – BRITISH of course-and just keep juicing.I grit my teeth and did the 7 day plan. Amazing feeling of positiveness, no hunger pangs,plus my hand joints stop aching, pus more.The intense vitamins feed apparently the body so it doesn’t feel deprived .
    Down side:bored…. I just wanted to chew! Bonus: I lost 9ilbs.
    You can take juices to work too.I hope to do this again as fresh foods are so cleansing.
    Best of luck with the rest of your amazing venture! Following your inspiring news. J x

  3. S Martin says

    You are entering your 20’s? I think you mean you are entering your 4th decade if you are just about to turn 30?

  4. S Martin commented on A Truly British Family:

    You are entering your 20’s? I think you mean you are entering your 4th decade if you are just about to turn 30?

  5. Keep your fasting days flexible. The idea is that you fit them in round your life rather than letting them control your life. However doing on a day you are busy is a good idea. I have done a couple of Sundays and they are very long! Good luck.

  6. Ro commented on A Truly British Family:

    Keep your fasting days flexible. The idea is that you fit them in round your life rather than letting them control your life. However doing on a day you are busy is a good idea. I have done a couple of Sundays and they are very long! Good luck.

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