…and so to bed!

I recently went to put Lucan to bed and noticed that his head touched both the headboard and foot board of his cot simultaneously – This was my first clue that the boy may need a new bed.

He has been in his IKEA [spit on the floor] convertible cot/bed since he was born and, while it marked another emotional mile stone that our boy is growing up, we knew that it was never going to last him until he was ready to move out of home.

download (4)We have been a little cash strapped since the extravagance of our Easter holidays so when the offer of Emily’s old bed, currently stored in the in-laws loft was presented we snapped it up. However, this solution left us still in need of a mattress. So, the search was on. Happily it did not take us too long to find Silentnight, famous for their duckling and hippo characters and one of the best known British manufactures of quality mattresses. We ordered it online through mattressman.co.uk, a great site with really clear product origins and it arrived a couple of days later.

Lucan was very excited to get his new bed and his first night’s sleep was marked with a nice long lay-in. There is one issue though. The bed has loose spindles in the headboard which when turned create an ear piercing squeak throughout the house. Helpfully, Granddad showed Lucan this trick because it was apparently something that Emily used to do, to their constant annoyance.

So, Lucan now has a new big boy bed and we have 30 minutes of incessant squeaking every evening while trying to watch the Hairy Bikers Best of British.

– James


  1. Well done Granddad, as an uncle, someone has to teach the kids cos the Parents don’t !!!

  2. Lizzie Baker says

    Umm, I don’t know where WD40 is made but, if it fits your criteria, perhaps a little squirt where the joints are might help.

  3. Lizzie Baker commented on A Truly British Family:

    Umm, I don’t know where WD40 is made but, if it fits your criteria, perhaps a little squirt where the joints are might help.

  4. Glyn Stanton says

    Grandad’s revenge! Brightened my morning….

  5. If you could also get to the joints, candle wax is good to ease squeaky joints. Lol @ Grandads Revenge though.

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