What it takes to run a British home

To make this post more interesting here is a cute picture of a bored baby!

To make this post more interesting here is a cute picture of a bored baby!

Snooze warning: This post is not going to be interesting, but as we are committed to living entirely from British goods and services it is important, for the sake of completeness, to make some account of our household expenses. This means reviewing those companies that currently provide us with finance, insurance and energy services, and changing them if they don’t live up to goal of living entirely British.   

I was a little nervous about this as changing banks and/or suppliers can be a bit of a nightmare.  Thankfully, I need not have worried. Generally, there is very little we need to change.

Our mortgage is with Cheltenham and Gloucester (C&G) who are a fine British institution and one that we are happy doing business with.  Our household banking and insurance policies are with RBS, and while they have had a bad press in recent years they have always provided us with a decent service (but like all banks, they will only give you money if you don’t need it!). Our electricity and gas are both supplied by Scottish power, and we have no complaints there. Equally, we have no complaints about our water supply from Thames Water. We turn the tap and the water flows hot and freely, what more can you ask?

Finally, my personal bank account is with RBS and Lucan has an account (with more money it that either of his parents) with Halifax. The one issue that I have found is that Emily’s personal account is with HSBC. She will be pleased when I tell her she needs to swap banks ;-0 !

– James

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