We have our own views on which supermarket is best for buying British goods but we want to hear yours. We feel that certain stores are making a real effort to supply goods of British origin but others seem to be making little headway at all.
Yes, it is time for another poll and have your say!

Being a soft Southerner, I’ve not shopped at Booth’s, but I’ve heard that they’re good. Anyone got any opinions?
Do you mean food or non-food? Aldi and Lidl can be really good at British-grown fresh fruit and veg but have aisles full of imported and badly made toys/book/electronic goods.
The only item I buy from a supermarket other than the Co-op is sugar which I get a friend to buy from Sainsburys because Co-op sells cane sugar and Sainsburys sells Silver Spoon from Peterborough
To be fair, I voted Morrisons as, here in Kettering, it is the better place to shop.
The wife and I will not buy from Tesco.
We still do rely on several local independent farms and farm shops for a lot of our groceries.
I voted Waitrose BUT rarely shop there, Morisons are very good the meat counter etc is all British.
They all seem to make a reasonable effort regarding food these days, although I worry about what they pay the suppliers. (Milk being a prime example). The answer as always is people power and if more people used farmers markets/farm shops/farm gate/butchers bakers etc, I believe they would make more effort and pay fairer prices. The real problem as Dominic James says is the non food items. In this respect although Waitrose are not presently any better, they do actually seem to react to customer suggestions. My suggestion each we pick an item find an alternative British maker and write to them to ask them to stock it. (They changed their bakeware range to British made and it’s probably wishfull thinking but I like to think I had some small part in it!)
I have a lemon tree, a present, it had 3 lemons on it, which I used, kept it in my conservatory over winter, now in pot in my garden, with 4 growing lemons on it.
Bought a wzshing up bowl and laundry basket, from matalan stores, made in Great Britain, lovely colours to choose from.
Also, bought some photo frames from a local shop, made in UK, by framesfirst.c.uk., various sizes .
Hope these can be added to your list – Loraine
I shop at Booths and they are excellent for promoting both local and British produce. The shelves in my Booths supermarket highlight local and British product with bright labels next to the shelf price sticker. The in store butcher, fishmonger, and deli staff are all very knowledgeable (to me that also means ‘interested in’ ) the provenance of their counter.
As a post script, I have also been very impressed with the wonderful British foods on sale at Aldi.
We consumers have enormous power over the giants of the supermarket world. They need us to shop with them. Let’s demand more and more British produce, including British flowers in our supermarkets.