This is an extremely difficult post for me to write. I have been involved in the Made in Britain Campaign for nearly 2 years now and, as a Director, helped found the marque that had started to gain traction as the recognised symbol for British manufactured goods. However, it is with some sadness that I must announce my resignation as a Director of the campaign and I must retract any previous endorsement for this organisation.
It would be unprofessional for me to expand on my reasoning for this stance too fully but the fact that I feel it important to distance myself from the activities of this organisation should speak volumes to those that follow our blog.
I actually resigned as a Director of Made in Britain in August 2014 but had hoped to see some change in the attitudes/ethics of the small number of directors still involved. My hope that an organisation should exist that promotes British manufacturing with positivity and without ego is still as strong as ever but my belief that this is that organisation has faltered.
– James